Top of Their Game: Wildcats and Strong Girls Team Up

events Apr 01, 2024
DURHAM, N.H. - Celebrating National Girls and Women in Sports Day, the UNH Wildcats teamed up with Strong Girls United for a day of athletics, mentoring, and mindfulness. The event, now in its second year, brought more than 75 young athletes to the UNH Field House on Sunday, Feb. 25, for opening activities. It concluded with VIP access to UNH Gymnastics at the Whittemore Center, where "strong girls" lined the cheer tunnel and high-fived competitors as they entered the arena.

Prior to the gymnastics meet, student-athletes representing women's and men's teams from basketball and soccer to football, field hockey, and track mentored girls ages 6 - 14 from across New England.

Many came to Durham with their club gymnastics teams eager to showcase their own skills. One young competitor challenged soccer players to a handstand contest. Other girls stretched in full splits while designing posters for the afternoon meet. An athlete from Atlantic Gymnastics in Portsmouth decorated her poster in royal blue and hot pink and looked up the UNH team roster to make sure she named every gymnast.
The event also attracted gymnastics alumnae, including Tracy (Manforte) Sweet '92 who serves on the SGU advisory board, and former teammates from the 1980s, 90s, and recent alums who joined the girls for photos.

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SG United Foundation ("Strong Girls United") is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization with a mission is to empower girls to be strong, confident, and resilient. 

EIN: 84-2731661



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